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Li Tianyu look Sophie asked. Li Tianyu that Sophie is a mysterious woman who hides many secrets, maybe clear animal soul of things, asked her should be right up. Li Gongzi, do you ask ? Sophie does not know why, suddenly asked Li Tianyu animal soul of things, suddenly asked the sentence somewhat surprised. coach factory Have a friend who is the soul, but the soul of the beast did not fit, so buy only the soul of the beast coach purses gave him, just do not know how to price the soul of the beast, hoping the girl told the Soviet Union.

Was such that the soul of the beast coach outlet online also know that, generally as a soul who buy those are the soul of the beast cub as contract object, like a beast cub soul bands, price roughly around 520 silver, second Hunshou cubs between 1200-5200, third Hunshou cubs 5200-22000 between the fourth-order Hunshou cub least have twenty-two thousand higher -order goods over the......, the soul of the beast greater price increases, as more than seven bands animal soul, that, but there is no market price, because you want to order more than one contract seven cubs animal soul, must be more than Wuhuang strong friends to help them go Hunshou forest hunting job on the outside can not be bought.

Then you spend 520 silver is sufficient, but in coach purses clouds town is not sold, you have to go to the big cities and towns the job, according to coach purses aware of the flames from the nearest town, city clouds have four bands the following Hunshou pups to sell, you can go there to buy. Sophie detailed to Li Tianyu about it again. Li Tianyu heard his face changed, and even think Hunshou prices UGG Baratas so high, Li Tianyu remembered by his bird roast white jade beast, are also among the more than one thousand two hundred silver, before his time in the mid- martial, eat white mysterious gas can increase the number of the beast, but now the situation is different, they have a late martial realm, even five thousand two hundred silver jade beast entirely used to buy food, not much may also increase the mysterious gas, five thousand two hundred silver still too less, for myself, just drop in the bucket fills.


